For more than 170 years, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has promoted freedom of belief for all people. For Adventists, the principle of religious freedom has strong biblical, historical, and theological foundations.
The mission of the North American Division Public Affairs & Religious Liberty (PARL) ministry is simple but all-encompassing: to proclaim and defend the God-given gift of religious freedom which is integral to our identity as Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
For more than 170 years, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has promoted freedom of belief for all people. For Adventists, the principle of religious freedom has strong biblical, historical, and theological foundations.
Religious Freedom
The Seventh-day Adventist Church champions the religious freedom rights of both faith-based organizations and individual believers. We share our message of hope and wholeness through a variety of avenues, including local congregations, education, healthcare, childcare, humanitarian aid, and social services.
NAD PARL is ready to empower and equip church members eager to play a role in the Seventh-day Adventist church’s religious freedom and government affairs ministry.